Zombicide Deck Holder Set

    Zombicide Deck Holder Set

    The Deck Holders Set gives you 2 plastic holders for your decks of cards: 1 red holder for the Equipment deck, and 1 yellow holder for the Zombie deck! These holders can fit both sleeved or unsleeved cards.



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    672 403 198
    C/ Julián Zugazagotia, 5 Lonja 2 48003 - BILBAO - España
    Game description

    The Deck Holders Set gives you 2 plastic holders for your decks of cards: 1 red holder for the Equipment deck, and 1 yellow holder for the Zombie deck! These holders can fit both sleeved or unsleeved cards.
    The Deck Holders Set comes with 2 options of "wall" height for each holder, so you can use the height that works best for the amount of cards you use in your games, and whether you sleeve them or not.
    The wall pieces can be attached to the base pieces to setup each deck holder to the height you need:

    6cm tall - Holds about 105 sleeved cards, or 190 unsleeved cards.
    9cm tall - Holds about 160 sleeved cards, or 280 unsleeved cards.


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